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Auld Acquaintance


Original release date June 28, 2012

Art by Megan Hutchison

AULD ACQUAINTANCE was written by the very talented writer, Eric Del Carlo.  This being our second episode, we’re especially proud that it not only presented a unique and horrifying concept, but had a very deep, emotional resonance. Auld Acquaintance was performed by Sean Galuszka, Kelly Daly and Meeghan Holoway (who would star in several other Earbud pieces including CLANG! one of our more successful pieces.

It’s a wonderful feeling to be surprised by something you read. So it was when I read Eric Del Carlo’s script for Auld Acquaintance. Not because it was good, I’ve known Eric for quite a while and am familiar with his talent, but because it was out of the box I’d put him in. I told him the idea for the site – sci-fi, horror, fantasy etc. – and Shift was the only episode we had posted setting (what I thought) was the example of what we wanted to do. “I know what you want.” He was off and writing and a few days later Auld arrived in my inbox. Did it fit the genre? You bet. But what really got me was that at its core it was a love story. I was expecting blood, guts and lasers, but instead got handed a thoughtful meditation on memory and love. What a pleasant surprise. It’s the best character-work we have so far and Meeghan Holoway and Sean Galuzska really bring these characters to life – heartbreak and all.

Check out Auld Acquaintance again or for the first time and see what I mean. As a bonus, I thought I’d enclose a link to one of Eric’s early short stories, “Time, Like Blood, on My Hands.” This made Tangent magazine’s recommended reading list for 2011. Take a read and enjoy!

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